Windsor - For Sale/Lease, 4 Bay Auto Repair/Car Sales,Showroom. High Traffic with full equipment or Prime Re-development opportunity Now $499K Will view offers!

Message Number210749
Subject LineWindsor - For Sale/Lease, 4 Bay Auto Repair/Car Sales,Showroom. High Traffic with full equipment or Prime Re-development opportunity Now $499K Will view offers!
Business area
Greater Toronto area
Central and Eastern Ontario
Ottawa and Region
Northern Ontario
Business categoryShopping Centres/Strip Plazas/Retail
Commercial Buildings/Hotels/Motels
Office & Medical Buildings
Industrial Buildings For Sale
To lease - Retail/office
To lease - Office
To lease - Industrial/office
Business Opportunities
Sites Commercial and Industrial
Net Leased Investment
Date of ListingDecember 18 2009
Type DescriptionExisting 4 bay auto centre with car sales lot - ideal for re-development potential
Price Max$0.00
Price CommentWill view all offers!
CommentsAvailable For Sale Or Lease. 4 bay Auto Centre with showroom and private office. Fully fenced in yard. Lots of Parking. Very high traffic, exposure and signage on one of Windsor's busiest East-West corridor. Used as existing auto repair/car sales centre or re-development potential for any commercial uses drive-thru (fast food, coffee shop), strip plaza, gas station. Great for owner-user operator.
Internet Links
Client DetailsUser/Manager
Clients ObjectiveRetire/Passive
Motivation RatingTrade All Equity for Objective
Explain Client's MotivationRetire
ControlRegular Client
NameJerry Haddad
TitleSales Representative
Company NameIPRO Commercial
Address Line One55 City Centre Dr. # 503